“Very clean and comfortable room. We ordered some food during the stay which tasted much better than i expected with such reasonable prices The staff are also very accomodating to my requests. If the management can keep up these qualities, GC is the obvious pick for my next stay in Kendari”
“Swimming pool is great, the room is clean n many tv channel, parking area is wide”
“the breakfast menu is delicious.. the staff is friendly and helpfull”
“This hotel value the money, strategic location , Cleannes and have good breakfast and restourant”
“the breakfast buffet is delicious and have a lot of varieties, the pool is great, good hotel for business or with your family”
“Pelayanan dari staff cukup memuaskan dan lokasi hotel yang mudah dijangkau baik dari bandara dan pelabuhan.”
“tempat tidurnya kurang nyaman bagian pundak menurun tdk rata kasurnya. kalau sarapan cukup baik lah karena aq dan teman2 suka menginapbdi clarion jd tolong di perhatikan kasurnya utk yg single bad.”
“ramah mulai dari penerima tamu di pintu gerbang, resepsionist sampai dengan pekerja laundry dan kamar.”
“Sarapannya enak dan bervariasi, staf juga oke, minimarket di dekat lobi juga murah”
“Yang paling berkesan respon room svc sama resepsionisnya waktu saya ada komplain..cepet kelar :)”