“Excellent service. Restaurant has large selection of good local dishes.”
“I like the whole room overall and the pillows were comfort and it was a feather pillow because I can feel it. My room was very spacious with a king size bed. Staffs were really friendly and helpful. They always greet me and help me out when needed. The bonus is the location is super close to the airport. Taxi for me was around $90 NTD to the airport.”
“The room is warm, cosy and clean. And I also like the good hotel security system and the friendly and helpful staff. I was surprised by how quiet it was in my hotel room, even though, the hotel is situated very near the airport. I highly recommend this hotel to my relatives and friends for their vacation stay.”
“Nice welcome from reception Good size well equipped room Excellent situation very close to the airport and MRT station”
“基本上房間整體很乾淨,床睡起來很舒服。 除了入住第一天外,後來也額外再跟櫃台續住一天,兩天住不同房間,插頭的位置似乎有些不同,其中一間房間床頭就有,但另一間要充電不在床頭。 羽絨枕和羽絨被的枕套和被套都有清洗乾淨,但沙發椅套因為類型的關係似乎不好更換,應該只有做初步清潔。 但整體來說,很乾淨,住起來的感覺也很舒服。 隔音狀況算很不錯,但有人經過門口的時候若聲音太大還是會傳進來。 早餐只有第二天有機會吃到,並沒有像網路上說的那麼令人驚艷,但有四樣水果(當天是葡萄、小番茄、西瓜、柳丁),對愛吃水果的人來說會開心到不行。 停車的話一開始可能搞不太清楚方向,其實就是沿著停車指標往後開,在小巷內轉彎就可以看到。”
“床鋪很舒適,不會太軟也不會太硬,員工個個親切有禮 早餐多樣性,選擇很多,飯店雖然門面小但是設施應有盡有 如是開車前往飯店附有露天的私人停車場”